Country Swing
In this course, we will learn the basics of Country Swing which is a high energy 4-count swing dance that is popular throughout the US and Canada. Country Swing can be danced to any type of music, not just American country music. It is very similar to Two Step and Hustle and has a lot of similar movements to West Coast Swing. It is a super fun and easy dance to learn if you are new to partner dancing!

Lindy Hop
Lindy Hop is the original swing dance and developed in the US in the 1930/40’s, though you can find Lindy Hop communities all over the world. It is a fun, high energy dance that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It is danced to music from the Golden Age of Jazz. Lindy Hop has been taught at Háskóladansinn in the past and we are so excited to be bringing it back!
We are teaming up with Sveiflustodin to teach this introductory class in Lindy Hop. And our teacher will be Magnús (with help from Cat) who has many years of experience teaching, dancing, and playing music for Lindy Hop. The goal of this class is to teach students the foundations of Lindy Hop so that they can join in further classes and social dance nights hosted by the Lindy Hop community in Iceland.
West Coast Swing
West Coast Swing is a modern swing dance with roots from Lindy Hop. Its known for its elastic connection and its focus on musical interpretion to the music. It can be danced to many genres, mostly pop, r&b, blues and contemporary.
In this beginner’s course we’ll focus on the 5 basics of West Coast Swing and fun variations of them and new moves.
Amanda has been dancing West Coast Swing since 2014 and will be the primary teacher of the course along with Cat and guest teachers.